Image of the Week: Cranes' Morning Flight

Image of the Week: Cranes' Morning Flight

Here's a favorite nature image from last spring when we visited the Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge. There were thousands of sandhill cranes beefing up for their continued migration south. It was wonderful to see thousands of cranes (and a lot of Canada Geese) flying to or from their overnight grounds each morning and evening, generally in small groups such as these.  And talk about noisy!

I took this landscape image soon after sunrise. I wanted to catch the cranes, but of course that wouldn't be enough for a nature image (unless it was a closeup).  I loved the play of the sunlight on the golden winter grasses, the homestead and framing trees, and the contrasting blue snow-capped mountains in the distance. So I took dozens of shots, whenever there was a group in the frame.  This was the best, and makes a fabulous fine art landscape print!

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