My Journey

Hello, and thanks for visiting my site. 

I have always loved the beauty and peace found in nature.  As a youth, I spent countless hours hiking in the forests of the northeast, and later, after my family moved, among the hills, streams, cliffs, and scrubland of central Texas. 

Photograph of a stream leading to Enchanted Rock in the distance.

This love of nature and its beauty was greatly nurtured by my father who was an artist and taught me to take the time to notice the beauty in our world, even when it isn't always obvious at first glance.  Thus when something grabs my attention - the lighting, colors, form, or texture - I take note.  My love of the outdoors has been central throughout my life, and drives my passion to share the beauty of our world. 

A sailing ship floats on the sea as the sun sinks behind it, lighting up the clouds with red and yellow.

Alas, it is hard to make a living wandering in the wilderness.  For many years I followed my other passion: science and teaching.  I worked in industry, taught college chemistry, and later became a vice president and college provost.  Throughout my professional life I have always relished my time in nature.  Family vacations were special times when we could immerse ourselves in the beauty of our natural world.  And throughout the years, my camera was an important companion, capturing the beauty we encountered.  As my work became more stressful and hectic, I became more and more appreciative of those pictures and their ability to let me “step out” of my immediate situation and take mini vacations, traveling in my mind to the locations hanging in my office.  Being able to take a 30-second escape from the immediate situation helped me put things back into perspective and address challenges with a fresh, more balanced approach.  When I returned to the present, I was calmed, energized, and strengthened. 

 Cascading waterfall amid the pine trees.

And that is my goal as a photographer: though my images I hope to lead you, too, on special mini-vacations: times to step out of your stress to put events in perspective and touch the beautiful and sublime.

Thanks for looking!
