The Royal Gorge has different moods, as demonstrated by these two fine art nature images, one in mottled sunlight, the other in approaching rains.

Images of the Week: the Different Moods of Royal Gorge

The Royal Gorge in Colorado is a wonderful place; it's here that the Arkansas River fought it's way out of its birthplace in the Rocky Mountains. It is a rocky mixture of desert scrub, yucca, and cactus, mixed with a few pine and juniper trees.
It's a fun place to photograph, especially as different weather changes the mood of the images. It can also be challenging to find a good composition: blending the foreground with the canyon to keep a sense of depth in the image - a difficult thing during clear weather with limited visual clues from haze.
In this first image above I used the various patches of sunlight and shadow to differentiate between cliffs and the mountain behind, while in the second image below I used the approaching rain.
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